Introducing Critical Inquiry of Method (CIM)

Introducing Critical Inquiry of Method (CIM)
Introducing Critical Inquiry of Method (CIM)

Principal speaker

Dr Judy Rose

Other speakers

Associate Professor Sama Low-Choy

This workshop is the first in a two-part series about critical inquiry of method. This first workshop aims to provide guidance on how to transparently describe and justify a method, regardless of whether it is qualitative, quantitative, or mixed (qual/quant). We present published examples of studies where methods (or their reporting) have been assessed as flawed, biased or discredited in some way. We then provide better examples having clear explanations of aim, rationale, and logic of the method when applied to a particular research question. There is also a responsibility to report benefits as well as biases and other limitations. Finally, we provide some strategies for moving to more critical inquiry about choice of method. Referring to published studies, exercises in small groups will assist you to reflect on how methods are reported and justified, especially how they help address research question(s).


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RSVP on or before Sunday 28 August 2022 13.52 pm, by email , or via

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