Becoming explores notions surrounding transitional spaces in physical and intangible states of being. These ever-evolving transitory spaces are concerned with liminality between the ending of the previous state and the beginnings of the new. These spaces are contextualised within the platform of liminality as they involve; transition as a process, a becoming, and in the case of rites of passage- transformation. This exhibition engages concepts of trepidation, identity, threshold and evolvement in order to further understand "the becoming'.
The space where boundaries dissolve as we transition across the threshold of what we were into what we are to be was the catalyst for the development of the conceptual premise for Becoming. Dr Ellie Coleman and Dr Linda Clark draw on their lived experiences after creative doctoral research as professional artists and significant rites of passage such as mothering, personal relationships and professional progression as subject matter. In doing so, Coleman and Clark reframe liminal spaces as integral places of creative development and growth which we experience rather than as neutral zones. Becoming is comprised of multiple sculptural installations which explore these in-between spaces and the significant role they play in everyday life.